HCG Posts

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Wow, I started HCG injections at home and I think everyone, including me thought I was a bit nuts injecting myself.  My sister called and told me I would go blind on day four and starting freaking out!

I did a lot of research and tons of people are losing, so I thought...why not?

I chose to go with the pharmacy grade HCG injections.  I saw too much controversy on the drops and I really thought if this was going to work it had to the first time.  I can't try this again and fail.  I will say plenty of my friends are doing the drops and they work really well for them. 

I had some issues mixing the hcg with the bacteriostatic water.  I couldn't for the life of me figure out how the hell to take out the air for whatever you are going to be inserting.  I consider myself a pretty intelligent person, but man that took a while.  I finally got it. 

So I mixed my HCG and started thinking... do I really want to start this protocol tomorrow?  YES!  I have four kids and never lost the weight from my fourth (granted that was 8 years ago), plus some.  I'm not happy with my appearance and don't like myself this heavy.  I have 66.7 pounds to lose so I can feel good, be healthy and like myself again.

So the first two days of this diet were kind of tough.  I can't even believe I'm saying that.  Gorging yourself.  Really?  Hard?  One would think the hardest thing about the first two days would be the very word "GORGING".  Just sounds AWFUL and gross. 

Anyway, the HCG I guess made it hard for me to stuff my face for two days.  The point is you're supposed to gain weight the first two days so your body with the HCG thinks that is your normal caloric intake.....  I did gain 1.3 pounds in the two days.  I've read some posts where people gain 8-10 pounds.  I did enjoy my large strawberry cheeequake blizzard with extra cheesecake however. :)

So onto day three of the very low calorie diet (VLCD).  The first day was hard, really hard for me.  I was tired AND hungry.  However, I kept myself busy looking at blogs and posts of people with their before and after photos.  :)

So today is day four and the first day I should see a loss.  I LOST 2.3 POUNDS SINCE YESTERDAY MORNING!  Woo hoo!  It's working!

I'm not nearly as hungry.  I found that Perrier is a pretty good filler.  So for now, I'll keep going and I'm actually really excited about it. 

So now, I'm onto figuring out which lotions, conditioners, etc. I need to use.  I'm looking pretty messy, although a little bit lighter... :)

I guess I'm thinking this is a good thing.